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What can you get CPD approval for?

Continuing Professional Development certification covers a whole range of different learning methods. Our team review thousands of CPD training courses, workshops, seminars conferences and events to make sure they comply with the industry standards.
















CPD Training Courses

Training courses are the most popular method of completing Continuing Professional Development. They can vary in time (day courses or task led) and will often be specific to one skill in a particular area of an industry


These are interactive group sessions which tend to be less theory-based and more hands-on with a practical approach to education.


Online learning held virtually. The main objective of a CPD webinar is to infomr professionals in a short and concise manner, about any new and relevant information.


These can be conferences or trade shows. They oftern hold learning sessions by topic. Seminars and workshops may als feature in events.

Online Courses

With the growth of online courses, this has now become a very popular way of learning. It does not require face-to-face attendance and all material can be shared online


These are short courses and tend to last a few hours long. They tend to focus on a particular subject matter in detail, and are usually conducted in group settings whcih allows for q&a and audience contribution.

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